74. Your Foundation for Success // LIVE COACHING SESSION

In entrepreneurship, you don't know what you don't know.
Along my own journey, some of the most vital moves I made were because someone else asked a question I hadn’t even thought of. Now, I’m sharing that experience with you.
In this episode of the Freedom Found Podcast, I’m taking you inside a live coaching call with Asya Krengauz where you’ll get to listen in to this deeply personal, boundary-pushing question + answer, in real time.
Every month I host a small-group coaching session for women inside of my private community. Elevated Brand Accelerator is a step-by-step, comprehensive course for copywriters - to build a reliable, sustainable income, feel confident in your business, and accelerate your growth toward freedom.
Tune in To Learn:
- One simple thing you can do RIGHT NOW to get clients
- How to ask yourself the right questions
- Aligning your mindset with your growth goals
Work with Krystle:
Learn about Elevated Brand Accelerator: https://krystlechurch.com/eba-program
Get 3 Free Sales Email Templates: https://krystlechurch.com/free-templates
The KC Copy Studio: http://www.krystlechurch.com
Say ‘Hi’ in my DMs: http://www.instagram.com/krystle.church
Hang with Asya: https://www.instagram.com/asyakrengauz.writer/