Freedom Found Podcast

Actionable for copywriters
This is by far the best show for copywriters. I love Krystle’s mix of advice, guidance, and pep talks. It’s a must listen podcast!

Actionable realistic
I’ve never been a podcast person (I always found them too long with not enough info) but I LOVE the Freedom Found Podcast. I love successful businesses that feel accessible that give real and actionable advice that I can implement in my own business. I’ve taken so many notes from Krystle’s wisdom—I can’t see where everything takes me!

The kind of pep talk you need in the morning
Love these bitesized episodes that help motivate my day before jumping into business. No fluff, real talk and great advice in pushing your business forward as a solopreneur or small team. Tune in— you won’t regret it!

Love Krystle!
Krystle is a GEM! How can you not love her?! She is thorough and detailed! I have been so blessed by her and her resources

It’s like my fairy marketing copywriting godmother
This podcast not only gives insightful tips into being a business owner, marketing, copywriting, and growing a business from scratch, but it makes you feel heard, too. In a cacophony of “do this and do that, biz owners” KC and team actually gives insightful processes to get things DONE. I’m so happy I found KC and the Freedom Found podcast✨ Its helped me navigate so many business challenges and obstacles and I’m so grateful. Congrats on the 100th episode!

Knows her stuff!
Do yourself the a favor and stop reading reviews… just listen to it already.

A Get Pumped Podcast!
Not only does Krystle’s passion and excitement for creating a business that supports the life you want to live spill through, but her advice is also so ridiculously helpful and encouraging. Listening to this podcast first thing in the morning is a sure way to start your day on a high note and to light a fire under your booty to go after your unruly dreams!

Passionate Coaching Amazing!
Krystle offers amazing Passionate coaching. She meets you exactly where you are, and brings you along, giving you the skills to build your business and dreams to next steps. All you have to do is show up and put in the work on your part. Wow! I’m excited.

Pure Gold!
Krystle’s insights and advice are just that-pure gold. She’ll make you see your business from a completely different perspective and open up your mind to new approaches to your professional success.

Helpful even if retired
I’m enjoying Krystle’s podcasts. I’m a retired small business owner and realized I really could’ve used this information years ago when I had my business. I find her straight up advice refreshing and even as I write, now, her vision on procrastination fixes and whole heartedly buying yourself is important even after retirement.

Krystle is NO FLUFF and tells it like it is
Listening to Krystle’s podcast is like having a best friend in your AirPods. She is real, raw, NO FLUFF, and tells it like it is. She is candid, encouraging, and shares the most actionable tips, especially when it comes to copywriting and email marketing. A must listen for female entrepreneurs.

Krystle has shifted my CEO mindset and business so much! She goes above and beyond to provide incredible value and support inside her programs. I can’t wait to hear more and more gold through her podcast!